Sunday, 4 March 2012


         In books The Aesthetic Education  Of Man by Freidrich Schiller, it is about beauty  dignity  and art. And happiness are not far from moral this human .Book  nature nobleman also said beauty before felt heart and take most difficult time in the task, because one forced appeal repeatedly for feeling and principles  .Philosopher  seek help but society accuse as a service and philosophy also produces idea from reading world experience.

Philosopher does not restrict the principle of beauty, but major research  reminded. Principles agreed with the idea of ​​human life kant system, but the philosophy does not agree. Moral consensus and the fact that nature has served to guide and teacher to awaken the wisdom of maturity. But very technical, cause the truth to be seen, hiding from the feeling of understanding. Understanding begins with the destruction of the thing. Philosophy finds synthesis only in the analysis, the nature of spontaneous work of art of torture. He suppressed the extent permitted by law. Just fractions of an abstract notion and maintain the spirit of life. Philosophy says it's natural sense of surprise should not be recognized as a copy of the real thing looks like this paradox. The book tell the truth the greater the manifestation of the "beautiful" it is mysterious and mesmerizing, and removed with a combination of the extinction of the required elements.

Philosopher directs the mind to a more  noble theme from art. It  will appear not in time to find the code for the global aesthetic. This book states that the research was challenged by the circumstances of the age to uphold all the work of art. The establishment and structure of real political freedom can seen . Philosopher states the responsibility to be good for the country or the state itself. They also think a man should not isolate themselves and against the law.

Philosopher also stated that time is not favorable to art .Idea been threatened at the time, and leave the real art to enhance the full law spirit. Utility is required by the big idol at the time, in which all powers do homage and all items are compliant. Ease of great balance, and encourage less will be lost from the vanity  fair chaotic time.  Political events have attracted the attention of the Philosopher and the men, which made ​​the assumption of human destiny is played. In addition, Philosopher states the betrayal to society if they do not share a common interest. Principles of social and moral concerns are a big thing needs to man. Every man should have to think for themselves. This book also states that the great political process involves not only individuals but also mentions the case of enactment. Philosopher says that although the political problem, but the aesthetic need for beauty, freedom.
In a third letter stating Philosopher fact that a man should realize that he is free to choose its own. He can not be satisfied with the political situation in the requirements. Uphold moral beauty and highlighted the influence of the nature of the passion of love. When mature, a man founded the state of nature into his design. He gave himself that he is incapable of choice and change the original state of political slavery as not existing. Political power of slavery to exist because of pride and honor. In this issue of the courage needed for a freedom of man. Essentially non-political body of law. Men should be the law in order to avoid violence. Men have a firm hold of the opportunity to require the law and prevent the need to create peace for human dignity. Philosopher Promoting about human nature selfish and violent.

Philosopher speak about the freedom that a person is entitled to freedom should be the real power. Human beings are inherently driven by action, and independent nature is the duty of every individual. Problems will emerge when human needs are not the same, then need the same laws. A man must make a difference in the life of unity and trying to adjust to unite. Thinking has resulted in two different views which people may agree with a man or agree where the government can sustain itself in the individual. Philosopher also expressed the opinion that the incidence of bias, but studies performed include human (anthropology). Where people have a right to speak out demanding sense of unity. When the nature of sacrifice decreased, became a political administration is not perfect. In addition, the Philosopher also expressed about how people who do not feel guilty of violence and every human being has the right to defend yourself, and tell the difference between a political artist and artist in which artists create works of art do not cheat. Respect for the human need for every human being, to avoid persecution. A man can fight for itself against the despotic rule, and change the need for freedom.

Philosopher turned its attention to something more visible, and also states the power. Although still owned power no longer receive the honor. People need to wake up from weakness and demanded back his eternal rights. Rights taken away by force and the real is real freedom tyranny. Philosopher union also said the two men and the decline can be seen in same . Without  period of civil law to be broken to pieces, and urged people met instinctively .Philosopher make the words that what is more glorious is the more rebellious the top ruin .Group proud of wealth and upper class people conscious ego cause suffering.
Conclusions not only beauty of art can be seen from the outside but internally as well. Beauty can not only be seen by the liver but can also be seen in the liver. Art is something beautiful to describe. Both abstract concept that is subjective, as something beautiful and wonderful to a person is not necessarily pretty and beautiful in others. Beautiful bit means there is no defect in his beautiful face because the combination of compatible with the concept of beauty that we have.

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